This has been an unusual year to say the least. All of us has had changes in scheduling and activities. Dealing with the ongoing pandemic has been a challenge in many ways, and we all hope it will come to an end soon. Staying healthy is our main focus right now, and with suddenly having all that extra time available has been a little hard to handle at times. Usually I will complain about not having time to explore some directions with my quiltmaking, and then I find myself with all this time, weeks of time in my studio. What to do with that has been more challenging than finding fabric and get to work. Knowing that I do better with some structure, I set goals for every week, working an something I want to explore, finding information about a technique I had been interested in, and working through the ins and outs of it, till I feel I know everything I can. I will share some of this in a few post in the next weeks and months. Lots of different fabric/surface treatment have been tested, leaving me with stacks of dyed , painted and otherwise manipulated fabrics, which I hopefully will use in new projects in the near future.

Next on my list was doing something for the youngest grandsons, twins. Of course they will have to get full size quilts too for their 3rd. birthday too. First time ever that I am ahead of schedule with two finished tops, similar but different. Different sizes of the basic Easy Arch block, set together with filler strips. These will be machine quilted as I am sure they will be washed many times.
Just another picture of my own new bed quilt. I am very happy to have this one done.