A small but very nice group of ladies came to J C Campbells Folkschool in Brasstown, NC for a week long stay. The class was "Free Form machine applique", for five days we worked with pictures and drawing, and created some wonderful pieces of textile art.
Debbie from Georgia, brought a beautiful photo of a butterfly in the garden that she wanted to work with . She worked long hours every day and recreated this wonderful scene on a pieced background (love the bright greens!). The free form stitching around the shapes gave the butterfly life and definition. Metallic threads added lots of sparkle and details.
Mary from New Jersey, had a very nice photo of tulips that her grandson had given her. She wanted to create a small wall piece with the bouquet and blue vase as the focus. Many shades of reds and yellows gave great contrast to the flowers and the bright green fabric gives a wonderful frame to it.
Kathy from Georgia worked with one of my favorite themes, an old boat. This one was in a day scene, but as the week progressed it became a night scene. I think the dark blue fabric added a lot of mood to this landscape. She plans to add wavy quilting lines across to give the feel of water. Love the boat of course!
Friday night is "Show and tell", we all get to see what has been done that week. So in between woodwork, metalwork, leatherwork, paperwork etc. we get to show our projects. Nice with spotlights to show off beautiful textile art!