First day, as usual, lots of painted papers all over the floor. The workspace was huge, with lots of floor space for the papers to dry.
Shirley' bright colors stands out for sure.
This is a great color combination, and I know the green leaves were a fun surprise.
Janelle created some very delicate scenery, planning a 4 seasons piece. She is very knowledgeable about trees, and helped me with a few tree names. It is really fun when someone can give me such information, as I tend to just look at shapes and colors, and not what is botanically correct.
I met Karen several years ago at Ripley, WV. She has been in several of my workshops at Quilt Camp there, and brings her own style and creativity to every class. In this workshop she concentrated on small pieces, something that could be used as labels. I hope she will not put everything on the back of her quilts, as they really deserve to be center stage. She used stencils and paint sticks for added depth.
How great it is to see finished project from workshops! Karen made these blocks in an earlier workshop, and added lots of detail with embroidery and paint sticks. Great setting!
Millie brought in some very nice leaves that she had had for a long time. They were still good to use. She had a few nice surprises on the way, as well as bright colors. The pink and green glow.
The owl is just too cute. Helen tried a stencil and transferred it to "Minky", the super soft fleece fabric we use for baby blankets. The paint will not leave any build up on the fabric, so this could be great for a baby blanket.
Is'n this spectacular? Carol saved a few leaves from a house plant and used them for the resists. The blue and green from one gave reverse deposits on the other. This is what I call happy accidents or surprises.
Anita left before I got pics of all she did, which was quite impressive. She created distinct leaf shapes on the fabric, but many of her pieces were of an over-all character with just awesome color combinations.
For our dinner, the restaurant in Cleveland (Joe's) had the biggest Napoleons I have seen! So naturally I had to have one, and it was delicious! Thanks for a wonderful time in Cleveland, long drive but so worth it!