Another great week at Cedar Lakes in October. This year there was very little colors at the conference center. Usually the trees glow with orange and yellow all over campus, but due to little rain we had all variations of green. Still inspiring for four days of transfer paint workshop using leaves in all sizes and shapes. Below are just a very small selection of what these wonderful ladies created.
Marge from Dayton, OH had a lot of fun playing with bright colors. A little more heat from her iron would have given her even brighter colors, but the collage effect she created is very successful, in both pieces.
Gail from Atwater, OH made many more pieces the this, and used lots of color. They were bright and many leaves were large in her compositions. The "Dusty Miller" in the blue pieces became a favorite of mine, and the ones she generously gave me have already been used in a few pieces. I look forward to playing some more with the "tree shapes".
Judith from Butter, PA was able to make these soft color combinations which I have not see before. It is all a matter of how the colors are layered and the heat from the iron.
The ferns has a very details look, and a very woodsy feel to them. Will make a beautiful small wall piece.
Judith is planning to make the three panels into a wall quilt, adding some embroidery and beading. Love the background colors she got from layering the turquoise and orange transfer paints.
Kathy from Pisgah Forest, NC used a slightly differnt approach to a few of her pieces by staring with a pale yellow fabrics as her base, and then adding colors on top. Several turned out very fun and unusual.
She also tried painting the leaves themselves and transfer the color. Some brilliant colors and a fun background is the result. A purple ginkgo leaf is perfect!
Carol from Mayfield Hights, OH encountered a few problems with her iron and fabrics, but worked through the problems and had many very successful and very original pieces done by the time classes were over.
She spent some time cutting paper stencils from several leaves, and achieved very strong colors this way.This is a beautiful collage style piece that will be perfect on her wall.
A few more of Carol's pieces. A great sense of color and composition.
Beth from Painsville, OH also had vibrant colors, and created some very crisp color combinations. Reds and greens have a very nice balance . Impressive that she quilted and finished this wall quilt in class.

Details from Beth's piece.
Ellen from Palms MI was close to finishing her small wall piece. The colors are soft with some beautiful details, stitching bringing the ferns and straw to life. Seed stitching all around in various soft colors will give it dept and texture.
This was a fun week, thanks to all women in class. They were so open to let things happen and see where the colors would take them. I truly hope that all will continue "to play" with the painted papers and see what will happen and what wonderful thing you can create. Thank you for spending your time at Ripley with me. QuiltCamp at Cedar Lakes WV, is an annual event. Check out the info on Next year's camp is Oct 14-19th, 2018